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Hi, i wonder if you can design a costume i need after a picture? Is that possible? Eli Karin

Dear Eli,

yes we can make a leotard from picture, the more pictures you gave - the better copy you get:)
For milanda, does the price include crystal? If we order this month, when can we receive?

Dear Sola,

No, the price doesn't include crystals, each 1000 crystals = 175 USD.
If you order this month probably you will receive it  beginning-mid November
I did drop the photo of the leo I like and there's no answer..just wondering if it didn't go through? I'm happy to send it again!

Dear Julia,

drop me the photo of leo you like.
group orders have 10% off or Free delivery.
Hi how do I custom order a group leotard and How much would it be?

Dear Sheena,

you can drop design and measurements here:) I'll calculate you the price:)
How long for delivery? Thank you!

Dear Beverly, it takes 4-6 days apprx

I am interested in purchasing the Monika leotard with the crystals it is pictured with. My daughter is the size of a 6-7 year old( very tiny, skinny) approximately what would this Leo cost? Thx!

Hey there, Monika on picture has 4000+ crystals, and I didn't get the measurements as "saving" it on webstore available only for you:) so please drop me the measurements and I can tell you the price then - [email protected].

Hello, How quickly can you get 2 leotards to the uk & how much would it be? Many thanks

Dear Amanda,2 leotard's production time is 2 weeks, delivery time is 1 week

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Quality of Our RG Leotards
Quality of Our RG Leotards
Stitches quality

All stitching is performed on industrial machinery. Triple quality control

Body measurements for a perfect fit are easy to make using our video guide